Thursday, April 2, 2020

What Is N In Chemistry?

What Is N In Chemistry?A common question asked by people who are new to the subject of chemistry is 'What is N?' This is a very important question that needs to be answered as soon as possible. If you are looking for a good way to find out what the number one element in chemistry is then you should check out this article that I have prepared for you. Let's have a look at what the number one element in chemistry is and how you can find out what it is.The number one element in chemistry is N. This is found in a lot of different types of laboratory equipment, laboratory instrumentation and in the construction of nuclear weapons. However, I want to concentrate on the equipment used in the laboratory environment in order to make the article shorter. This article only covers the laboratory equipment that you might use in your laboratory.The first thing that you need to know about N is that it is a non-metal and is not present in nature. This means that you cannot get this element through a ny kind of laboratory work. It is therefore very important to know what the correct measurement units are when dealing with this element and what the scientific value of the substance is.You need to remember that the atomic number of any element in chemistry is used to help determine the weight of the substance. To help you with the atomic number of any element in chemistry we will use N. There are four different types of N, the first being the simplest form of N and the next two being intermediate forms of N.The final type of N is known as the chemical formula. You should also remember that there are always four letters that are associated with the chemical formula. In this case we have 'NH', which is short for the letter 'H'.One of the most difficult things to remember about this element is that you need to remember that the atomic number is only one digit long. Also remember that the atomic number has nothing to do with the weight of the substance. The atomic number is used to in dicate that the substance is a gas and not a solid.If you have ever wondered what the number one element in chemistry is then the answer is N. This is the one element that does not have a molecular weight. There are three different measures of mass and one of them is the molecular weight. The molecular weight is a measure of the density of the substance and it does not mean anything whatsoever about the weight of the substance.In order to help you with understanding the importance of what is N in chemistry, this article has been written. Hopefully now you know the answers to what is N in chemistry and where to find it.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

5 Proven Memorization Tactics That Will Help You Learn Italian Vocabulary

5 Proven Memorization Tactics That Will Help You Learn Italian Vocabulary Brooke Neuman When learning a foreign language, memorizing vocabulary is one of the most important steps. A college-level mastery of Italian grammar or a near  perfect accent  means nothing without a solid foundation of Italian vocabulary. In fact, many claim that a vocabulary of at least 3,000 words is necessary to obtain fluency in a foreign language. If youre having a hard time getting your Italian vocabulary list to stick dont give up, as there are many tactics to help you memorize words more easily. But first let’s discover just how our memory works. Now, let’s dive into five tactics will help you memorize Italian vocabulary and hopefully ace your next quiz! Tactic 1: Label the world around you When you start learning Italian, the first vocabulary words you learn are focused on describing yourself and your surroundings. Make signs to label the various appliances and pieces of furniture in your home. As you go about your day, these signs will remind you that you keep milk in il  firgorifero and go to sleep in il  letto. You can apply this tactic to pictures as well. For example, you can print a picture of a person and label the various parts of their body in Italian, such as gamba (leg), testa (head), dito  (finger) and orecchio (ear). This tactic works well because you learn to associate words with mental images. Tactic 2: Learn words in context Instead of simply learning that correre means to run, you might find you remember the word  better by learning it as part of a sentence. Create a simple sentence such as I like to run. or Mi  piace  correre. By learning the word in context, you will remember the word and its meaning easier. As an added benefit, it allows you to practice and learn other Italian vocabulary  words at the same time. Tactic 3: Practice with flashcards Flashcards have long been a popular memorization technique because theyre a highly effective way to learn new words. While you can use traditional paper flashcards, there are many  flashcard  apps you might like. Below are our three favorite flashcard applications. Chegg Flashcards: This free app made for the iPhone allows users to create their own flashcards or access pre-made sets. The app also tracks results so users can see how they are progressing. Download the app here. StudyBlue: This app allows users to create flashcards with text, pictures, or audio files. It also enables users to pause and save study sessions in case they need to cut it short and go back later. Download the app here. Flashcards Deluxe: If you want a simpler user interface and design then go with Flashcards Deluxe. The app features a database of over 4 million flashcards and you have the option to create five-sided cards. Download the app here. Tactic 4: Create mnemonic devices Mnemonic devices are another great way to memorize Italian vocabulary lists. Basically, you’re creating a familiar phrase or a short song to help you memorize something that would otherwise be difficult to remember. In other words, it’s all about association. For example, the Italian word for to believe is credere. The beginning of this word looks and sounds similar to the English word creed. Because a creed is set of beliefs, making this connection can boost your ability to remember credere. Tactic 5: Write a story in Italian When learning a list of Italian vocabulary words, create a story that links the words. It doesnt matter how silly your story is, as long as it creates a vivid image in your mind. If you dont know a word in Italian, simply use the English word in its place for now. As your vocabulary grows, you can start translating the remaining words into Italian and making your story more complex. For example, if you were studying animal names in Italian, your story might start with: Il cane (the dog) chased un  gatto  (a cat) that was running after un  topo  (a mouse). No matter which tactics you choose to employ, practicing your vocabulary daily is important for long term retention. In most cases, it is better to dedicate 15 minutes to practicing Italian every day than to spend several hours once a week without reviewing what youve studied in between sessions. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Friday, March 6, 2020

Life Coach Leeds

Life Coach Leeds Where to Find a Life Coach in Leeds ChaptersFree Life Coaching in and Around LeedsFinding a Life Coach Through SuperprofThe Cost of CoachingWhere Else in Leeds to Find Life CoachesIn the news today: Malcolm Turnbull got turned out; Scott Morrison takes his place as Australia’s Prime Minister.Apparently, Mr Turnbull’s moderate stance on energy issues did not agree with his party’s...How does one go from being quite nearly the top dog of a country’s political system to being ignominiously dismissed?And where does one go from there?Clearly, The Honourable Mr Turnbull needs to take a step back; reassess his position and, should he decide to venture back into politics, or into finance â€" his former career field, he is going to have to recalibrate his thinking.Recalibrate one’s thinking: what a great way to describe what it is a life coach does!Anyone whose employment has been terminated, with whatever degree of prejudice, knows the feelings of self-doubt and the urge to pass blame that follows, and the anxiety ov er what the future may hold.Not that we’re speculating on Mr Turnbull’s financial position specifically; this next is more a general reflection of anyone who finds themselves suddenly unemployed: where will the money come from now?A life coach won’t help you find your next job or loan you any money.However, s/he will help you regain the confidence you lost as a result of the blow you were dealt, as well as helping you define what you want out of life and how to get there â€" even if you’ve not suffered public humiliation.Maybe you’ve been thinking about changing jobs for a while. Perhaps you are no longer satisfied with merely doing your duty and you aspire to greater things; roles in society that have nothing to do with duty.Maybe... but you fear failure.Let  Superprof help! Here we list life coaches in and around Leeds that can guide you in fulfilling your life’s dreams and help you banish all of those negative inner voices that say you can’t.Find a life coach Belfas t here.savvy businesses are making life coaching an employee benefit!Nobody ever said that life coaching was meant to help you find a better job; it’s about discovering the best you!Studies show that companies with life coaching as a prerequisite have better employee retention, suffer fewer sick days and enjoy higher production and efficiency.It all comes down to employee satisfaction!Is your company such a one? If not, would you work to make it one?At your next staff meeting, how about discussing bringing in a life coach with your company’s leadership?You may even talk with your coworkers beforehand; see how they feel about having a life coach made available to them and if they wouldn’t mind paying a small premium for such services, should it come down to that.You may also talk with your local community centre about hosting a workshop with a life coach.Life coaching is a booming business, with more and more coaches looking for ways to introduce their services to the community .It is quite possible that your neighbour has recently trained to be a life coach and is looking for ways to grow her fledgeling business. What better way than by hosting a motivational seminar close to home?You may also ask your doctor for a referral.If you suffer from stress or anxiety, perhaps the holistic methods of managing those self-sabotaging conditions that, from time to time, cripple us all would work better than taking medication!Perhaps you are in the same position as Australia’s so-recently-former Prime Minister and are looking for a new opportunity to shine.If that’s the case, you could hardly go wrong with becoming a life coach!As it turns out, The Coaching Academy is offering a free Foundation course, to see if you’ve got what it takes to be a life coach.This is a two-day event that comprises of workshops and seminars where you can pick up a wealth of coaching tools as well as coaching skills.Perhaps you already have great skills and just need to refine them in order to become a life coach!The best life coaches are:effective in achieving resultsmotivated and motivatinginspiringgreat communicators â€" fantastic listeners!action orientedimbued with a can-do attitudeIf you see yourself in those attributes, you may want to join the Academy on the weekend of the 15/16th of September, when they host their session in Leeds.Once you get that ball rolling, you can become a Superprof life coach!  There are many great life coaches in Cardiff; if you live there, you too can become one!Get the ball rolling with Superprof coaching: your happiness awaits! Source: Pixabay Credit: FreeGraphicTodayFinding a Life Coach Through SuperprofAs we’ve been with you for everything from academic support to learning how to play your favourite music instrument, you may rest assured that we are here to empower you through personal coaching, as well.In Leeds, there are three Superprof life coaches just waiting for your call.You might choose to work with Zeus, whose ba ckground includes living in different countries and playing football.Perhaps he has adopted some of the methodologies from his sports background to his coaching programs â€" that is where life coaching got its start, after all!Nevertheless, should you wish to engage with him, either in person or through online coaching, he will charge you a low fee of only £20 per hour, and his first hour, the time it takes to conduct an intake interview, is free!If you are any kind of Superprof fan, you are aware that many of us give our first hour of lessons free.Should you not have an issue with coaching services delivered online, you may contact Anri, whose vast experience in the coaching business has garnered him a glowing, 5-star rating and a host of client testimonials!Both Anri and Zeus offer professional coaching to individuals or in groups, and Anri charges only £10 more per hour than does Zeus.Why not get the lead on a life coach in Edinburgh if you're headed that way?The Cost of Coachi ngIf you’ve been shopping around for a life coach, you’ve no doubt been made aware that turning your life around can be an expensive proposition.Let us do some brief reckoning...As there are no regulations to shape the coaching industry, anyone could hang out a shingle and call themselves a coach.However, those who truly want to help people in their personal development seek out life coach training and have the credentials to prove it.If you have decided on coaching sessions to transition into a more meaningful life or to find your life purpose, you should seek out a certified life coach.Preferably one who has undergone a training program and has International Coach Federation accreditation.Yes, you may have to pay a bit for your transformational journey, but ridding yourself of limiting beliefs doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly expensive!Consider Superprof’s £30 per hour rate: that is about a pound a day and less than the cost of dinner in a decent restaurant!That meal wou ld go rather quickly, but life coaching is wellness for life!Don't play games with your life! Seek out life coaching Source: Pixabay Credit StevepbWhere Else in Leeds to Find Life CoachesLeeds has enjoyed the fastest rate or private-sector job growth in the whole country.That could be because so many Loiners have undergone a personal transformation, guided by a personal coach and are now doing wellness coaching or business coaching themselves!Of course, that is just speculation but, just looking at Internet search results, we see a multitude of people passionate about helping others reach their full potential.Take Susie Hudson, for example. Her main areas of focus are personal development and combatting stress and anxiety.She started her career more than 20 years ago, helping people manage their stress. She then moved into relationship coaching and soon discovered coaching techniques that made her approach foolproof.You may find her at Leeds City Centre or in Harrowgate, and she wil l work with you face to face or over the phone.You might also enjoy working with Linda Jenkinson, a deeply introspective coach who enjoys helping bring about and witnessing a person’s evolution.She is no stranger to losing her way; in fact, it was the tough circumstances in her life that brought about her own personal growth.She is adept at helping individuals and groups find their life balance; she even serves as a business coach!You might interest your boss in retaining Linda’s services if s/he is on board with the idea of offering life coaching as a work benefit.If you need extra motivation to bring about the change your life needs, you would certainly be well-served in Leeds!From the number of coaches just waiting for your call to Superprof’s coaches who will work with you either online or at yours, the only thing standing between you and the possibilities inherent in your life is you!Note: the tendency to procrastinate is something your life coach can help you overcome, t oo...Is there a life coach near you? Check these cities below!ManchesterBirminghamGlasgowLondonBelfast

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Calculus Projects

Calculus Projects Calculus Projects deal with two most important parameters of Mathematics and Physics. It deals with the solution of the problems where we need to find the derivative and integration of the function. Here the function can be algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, or any other function. So calculus project helps in the step by step evaluation of the problems, which involves differentiation and integration. This can be better clarified by taking individual examples of differentiation and integration. The examples are as shown below:- Example 1:- Find the derivative of the Sin (2x) Solution 1:- Given function is Sin (2x) To find: - d/dx Sin (2x) We know that,d/dx (Sinx) = Cos x Therefore, d/dx Sin (2x) = Cos (2x). d/dx (2x) (because it is a composite function). So d/dx Sin (2x) = Cos (2x). 2 Therefore, d/dx Sin (2x) = 2. Cos (2x) Hence d/dx Sin (2x) = 2. Cos (2x). This is the project problem of calculus. Here we have solved one part of calculus that is known as differentiation. Example 2:- Find the integration of x3 dx Solution 2:- Given function is x3. Here we have to find the integration of x3. Now we know that,xn.dx = xn+1/ n+1 + c, Here c is constant of integration Therefore, x3 dx = ( x3+1/ 3+1) + c = x4/4+ c So the integration of x3 dx = x4/4+ c In this example c is constant of integration. And in this example we have evaluated the important part of calculus that is known as integration.

The Best Law Schools in the U.S.

The Best Law Schools in the U.S. What Are the Top Law Schools in the United States? ChaptersHow Schools Are RankedTop Schools for Law in CanadaLaw Schools in the United StatesThe United States is home to some of the world’s top institutes of higher learning. Who hasn’t heard of Yale, Stanford, Princeton and, perhaps, the most famous of them all: Harvard?Harvard and Yale even enjoy a longstanding rivalry! Well, more of an intense competition...Each of these schools has a sterling law program; in fact, many of America’s politicians earned their law degree through one or the other of them.Contrary to what many seem to think, the United States is not synonymous with North America.Canada also boasts many schools where you could gain a well-rounded legal education and your Superprof has geared up to make the rounds with you ahead of your law school application.The US is not the only country to offer great law universities, check out our worldwide list of law schools. venerable institutions that served as advertisement among the highest strata of society.Being a Harv ard man or a Princeton alumnus  has always had a certain cachet.In fact, so distinguished were such appellations that other schools sought similar recognition.So, at the dawn of the Information Age, a British company named Quacquarelli Symonds set about polling every university in the world and ranking them according to certain statistics.Unfortunately, they receive a lot of criticism because they use a lot of subjective data to determine their rankings, such as:the quality of student lifepeer reviewsstaff to student ratiosa school’s general reputationbroad academic discipline categories â€" rather than specialisationsgraduate employability rankingsIt seems they leave out important criteria such as affordability and the availability of work exchange programmes.In spite of that, the QS report is the only international university ranking to receive approval from the International Ranking Expert Group.Endorsed as it is by IREG, we feel confident in reporting top schools as listed in the QS World University Rankings.Falconer Hall houses the University of Toronto's graduate programme Source: Wikipedia Credit: Chen Si YuanStudy law in Europe and never be more that a short plane trip from home.Top Schools for Law in CanadaThe University of Toronto doesn’t just have the best law faculty in the country; it is generally reputed to be the best university in Canada altogether.That means that admission criteria are stringent; you must have earned excellent marks to gain entrance!For example, the median accepted LSAT score is 168.Tuition for the Faculty of Laws is in keeping with the fees for their other colleges; unfortunately, the University of Toronto law school has the highest fees of any law school in Canada.As of 2018, the total fees for their Juris Doctor programme exceed $36,000.00. The good news is that financial aid is available, either in the form of scholarships and grants or as student loans.What we found most impressive is the variety of study programs and how they are managed.You may earn a double degree through their combined JD programmes, graduating with a Master of laws, if that was your intent.What’s so great about that programme is that you may earn your degree either through coursework or as a thesis-based award!Our final rave about this programme is the pro bono work they do.You may choose to intern through their programme, working on various bono cases or you could work on international human rights law. Besides those, you may work in any number of legal clinics they support.Its neighbour, both geographically and in law school rankings, is the University of  Ottawa, a relative newcomer to higher education (it was established in 1953).How are your French language skills?Like many Canadian law programmes, the University of Ottawa’s is divided into two parts. Their civil law program is taught entirely in French, while their common law programme is available in both English and French.This presents a unique situation in whi ch your curriculum choices are predicated entirely upon your language ability!As far as paying is concerned, you may breathe a sigh of relief at knowing your tuition will be substantially lower here than at the illustrious university listed above.Get the best law tutors now.If you enrol in their civil law programme, your programme’s tuition would ring in at just under $10,000.00 and the common law programme tuition totals roughly twice that amount.A trifling sum compared to the other Faculty of Law!As a prospective student to this school, you may study under a joint program. For example, you may opt for a dual JD program, established in partnership with select American universities, so that you will earn two degrees in four years.There is a lot of good to say about this school and its study programs but we’ll leave you with its record of international success in moot court.So good is this school’s moot team that it has been known to outperform even the team from Harvard law!Yo u may also like to know that they publish the revered law journal: the Ottawa Law Review.Before moving on to describe U.S. law schools, we give honourable mention to McGill University, whose Faculty of Law is the oldest in Canada.Asia also has some great universities, check out our top Asian law schools list.The University of Chicago has one of the U.S. 's best law programmes Source: WikipediaIf you prefer warmer weathers, head to Australia to study law.Law Schools in the United StatesThis article started by naming four of the most reputable, high-profile law schools in the U.S.As we don’t wish to belabour the obvious by extolling the virtues of those four, our selected highlights concern schools well-deserving of merit but unfortunately less renowned.Such as the University of California Berkeley School of Law or, simply, UC Berkeley School of Law, consistently listed as one of the top law schools in the world.The QS rankings currently list this school as 7th-best worldwide.Unlike the Canadian schools with their two broad categories of legal studies, UC Berkeley comprises no fewer than 17 specialised curricular programs, among them International Law, Environmental Law, and Social Justice.Acceptance into any of their law programs is extremely competitive, with fewer than 25% of all applicants admitted each year.Tuition rates might cause some sticker shock: an international student would pay more than $80,000.00 for his first year, for a grand total of over a quarter of a million dollars paid in fees by graduation.Their marking system is unusual among law schools in that theirs is, more or less, a pass/fail scheme. However, they do accord some mention of honour for the best-performing students: the highest mark one can earn is High Honours or HH.As you may know, the American Bar Association oversees every aspect of the legal profession, including education, by endorsing especially meritorious degree programs.Berkeley Law has been a Bar Association approved law school for nearly 100 years.Boston University School of Law shares that distinction and it is a standout in another respect, being one of the first public universities in the United States to admit students regardless of race or gender.To wit, their most recent admissions statistics reveal that their student body reflects that commitment to diversity: collectively, it represents 16 different countries.Like Berkeley, Boston offers legal training in specialised areas; its top three fields are Tax law, Intellectual Property law and Health law.Besides those, you would have your choice of approximately 200 different programs and seminars to choose from.You may earn your LLM degree in Chinese law through a partnership with Tsinghua University, one of the top universities in Asia!Price-wise, the Boston law student fares better than at Berkeley; an undergraduate degree at Boston Law costs under a quarter-million dollars.Whereas the two previous schools were public, the University of Chicag o Law School is a private school meaning, among other things, that admission criteria are much stiffer and fees are much higher.Most of American common law is based on the British model, why not study law in the UK?The 2017/18 admittance report indicated that one year’s fees, including tuition, other fees and living expenses totalled more than $93,000.00What do you get for that amount of money?For one, a low teacher-student ratio: with 200 faculty members, this school has approximately 12 students for every one teacher.Furthermore, there are a number of clinical programs you may participate in, including Child Advocacy and a justice clinic on Entrepreneurship.Perhaps the best part of earning your degree in law from the University of Chicago Law School is that you will have no trouble finding work: the National Law Journal ranked it first in overall employment outcomes for graduates.There are so many law schools in the U.S. that it would be difficult to choose which study programs to cover that might suit you best!Going purely by the numbers, we now summarise the 10 best law programs in America, per the 2018 rankings.NameLocationTuitionEnrolment CapYale UniversityNew Haven, CT$62,170625Stanford UniversityStanford, CA$60,270565Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA$62,7921,757University of ChicagoChicago, IL$62,865597Columbia UniversityNew York, NY$67,5641,264New York University New York, NY$63,9861,364University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA$63,364736University of Michigan--Ann ArborAnn Arbor, MI$60,508931University of California--BerkeleyBerkeley, CA$53,315936University of VirginiaCharlottesville, VA$61,300912

Jukebox Musicals

Jukebox Musicals Artists Featured in Jukebox Musicals ChaptersEarly Jukebox MusicalsThe Jukebox Musical Gains TractionThe Jukebox Musical Matures, DiversifiesThe Future of Jukebox MusicalsOnce upon a time, the novelty of musical entertainment was a box containing wax or paper cylinders that, once a coin was deposited into the machine, the selected song would play.Early versions of these machines predate the radio but once radio broadcasting went mainstream â€" meaning that music could be had for free, the pay-to-hear music boxes became the go-to device for listening to popular songs while at one’s favourite hangout.Those boxes were called jukes or jukeboxes.They presumably got their name from the American South, from the Gulla-Geechee language spoken by the Creole people, who would go to juke joints to drink, dance and generally get rowdy.By definition, juke or jook means rowdy, disorderly or wicked.Fascinating history lesson but what does it have to do with musical theatre? Great question!At the height of their popularity, these juke boxes, no longer confined to the bayous of Louisiana were installed in every venue possible, from dance clubs to dive bars â€" the places where carrying at least a knife was advisable.In the US, where their popularity soared, they featured in malt shops and restaurants where kids congregated after school, and they always contained the latest hit records by all the top stars.A single jukebox might contain five or six records each from Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Fats Domino.From those random groupings of songs â€" some from the same artists, it wasn’t much of a stretch to compile a single artist’s, group’s or year’s music into a choreographed stage show, with or without a storyline.It helped that musical films such as An American in Paris and Rock Around the Clock were wildly popular; if they could make money by presenting loosely associated collections of songs, why shouldn’t a repertory company or performing troupe?And so, the first jukebox musicals were crafted… Car lActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsEarly Jukebox Musicals Elvis Presley's music, so often featured in jukeboxes, inevitably would become a new musical Image by blitzmaerker from PixabayObviously, recording artists could not exist until there was a way to record them. And then, once recording methods were established, who would become a recording star would be decided by public opinion, reflected in record sales.Finally, there had to be enough records by said artist to fill a respectable number of slots in a jukebox.The long and the short of this analysis is: jukebox musicals could not exist before the mid-20th Century.Admittedly, early efforts at weaving a single artist’s work into a musical were paltry; in fact, most of the early attempts yielded musical revues rather than anything remotely resembling the day’s Broadway shows.The lone exception to the shows put together in the 70s was Elvis, a 1977 production that detailed his life and career. Ticket sales were no doubt driven, at least in part, by his legions of grieving fans; he had died that year at only 44 years of age.You might wonder about Beatlemania…Indeed, the Beatles were quite popular and their music was ‘covered’ - performed by other artists. Inevitably, the Fab Four’s popularity led to their being the subject of a Broadway musical.This Broadway production, which ran from 1977 to 1979, was remarkable for nothing if not its technical aspects.Against the backdrop of the turbulent 60s, Beatles music played as various newspaper headlines and video clips of newsworthy events flashed on multiple screens, topped by headlines that roughly corresponded to the same time the song being played was popular.In that sense, Beatlemania too was a revue, even though it broke barriers for its innovative use of technology.Trivia question: why weren’t the Beatles’ musicals considered rock/pop musicals?The Jukebox Musical Gains TractionMany believe that Mamma Mia!, the sensational musical comprising of ABBA songs was their first foray into weaving a musical out of their chart-toppers.As well-loved as this engaging show is (you can stream it or rent it; some devoted fans have even bought their own copy of it!), it was not the group’s first time adapting their music and lyrics to suit musical theatre; Abbacadabra was.If you’ve never heard of it, there’s probably a good reason: the show was created as a children’s television programme and the songs were altered to be more suitable for young audiences.For instance, the slightly menacing Money, Money Money became Mon Nez, Mon Nez, Mon Nez â€" My Nose, My Nose, My Nose â€" a song topic that would no doubt thrill any child between the ages of two and five!By this time, Disney Studios had firmly established themselves as American film musical producers for that demographic. They satisfied English-speaking audiences's craving for musicals (and, later, audiences of other languages) and ABBA filled any gaps for musicals that the American musical producer left.Rather tellingly, the ABBA men w ent to collaborate on several stage musical ventures…As the Swedish group’s star was rising, the American musical was still looking backwards. That decade, two retrospectives premiered: Always… Patsy Cline and Buddy â€" The Buddy Holly Story.Both musicians had died very young and in plane crashes. As they were much revered, the best way to pay tribute to them was to write new musicals about their life and art.Still, not all was tragedy on Broadway, even if the rest of the decade’s jukebox shows was spent on looking back. Two shows, The Leader of the Pack and Return to the Forbidden Planet both featured sounds from early 60s rock’n’roll.It seemed, for a while, that the jukebox musical was doomed to hindsight… until just before Y2K. As disco ruled the airwaves, so to did it feature in musical productions Image by Pharaoh_EZYPT from PixabayThe Jukebox Musical Matures, DiversifiesFor most of the 90s, jukebox musicals continued their trend of looking back. Among the titles of that decade were:Saturday Night Fever â€" the stage show based on the 70s smash filmDisco Inferno: loosely based on Dante’s work, it featured music from the disco eraForever Plaid: male vocal harmony groups of the 50sThe Marvelous Wonderettes: female vocal harmony groups of the 50s and 60sFive Guys Named Moe was based on a musical short from the 40sBoogie Nights: the lone British offering of the decade (save one), which also showcased music from the 70sAnd then came Mamma Mia!It obliterated any record set by Rodgers and Hammerstein â€" it out-performed both The Sound of Music and The King and I, legendary shows by those ‘song and dance’ producers. It surpassed Beauty and the Beast for the number of shows played.Rumour has it that, on any day of the year, you can find tickets for Mamma Mia!, put on by any given theatre company, anywhere in the world.The show is raucous and fun, ultimately relatable to anyone who grew up during the disco era, anyone who has ever been a single parent and anyone who longed to discover who their absent parent really is.And, of course, anyone who likes to be a part of the show: for its encore, the cast invites the audience to stand and sing with them!Mamma Mia! did for the jukebox musical what Phantom of the Opera did for book musicals: it made the genre appealing, accessible and relatable. No longer would musical theater be targeted to patrons of certain sensibilities; Mamma opened the floodgates to the greater public.Audiences have never been hungrier for musical entertainment.The first decade of the new millennium brought forth more than 40 musicals of this type; some showcased the music of a single artist or group, such as Tonight’s the Night, featuring the music of Rod Stewart or Jersey Boys â€" the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.Others addressed an era or facet of popular music, such as Rock of Ages (80s glam metal) or On the Record (Disney songs) â€" although there is some debate over whether that last should be considered a true jukebox musical or a revue.As you might guess from some of these titles and/or descriptions, these shows do not have the gravitas of My Fair Lady or Fiddler on the Roof.But then again, the times are different and audiences want feel-good familiarity, not concept musicals that will make them think or preach at them. With her more than 60 years worth of performances, Cher certainly deserves her own musical! Image by skeeze from PixabayThe Future of Jukebox MusicalsThe glory of jukeboxes didn’t last long. Portable radios and, later, portable devices pretty much cancelled out the jukes’ practicality.They did enjoy a brief resurgence when compact discs came on the scene; today, they still enjoy a bit of a novelty effect thanks to their MP3 format, which allows the storing of more music, more compactly.Still, the Golden Age of jukeboxes, and of the music they featured, is long gone. Does the same hold true for jukebox musicals?We need only to look at box office receipts for The Cher Show (2018) that depicts her life and songs. It ran for just over a year and won several Tony Awards. It is not an original Broadway show; rather, it premiered in Chicago and then joined the catalogue of Broadway musicals for that year.Is Cher a bit too dated? How about Britney?Once Upon a One More Time is a story abo ut princesses, set to the very pop music of that former Disney star. Its debut is set for next spring, with Keone as the choreographer.Did you enjoy the film Clueless? It’s not exactly Mean Girls but it does feature similar elements and songs from the film. It opened off-Broadway last year; talks of it going international are underway.Do you like Cabaret shows? You’re in luck! Moulin Rouge is headed your way in about a year; don’t miss out on your chance to buy tickets.Fact is, everybody is now getting in on the act: French artists put on Hit Parade, Mexico staged Si Nos Dejan and German artist Udo Lindenberg broke away from his rock roots to become writer and artistic director for Beyond the Horizon.In this decade alone, Take That regaled us with The Band, Richard Hawley gave us Standing at the Sky’s Edge and The Spice Girls treated us to Viva Forever!None of them are Tony Award winners. None of them is quite of the same calibre as West Side Story, even though they mean to speak to a more youthful audience, as West Side did.Clearly, with titles ripped straight from Top 40 charts, we shouldn’t expect grandiose opera or anything that compares to the likes of, say, a Gilbert and Sullivan production.What you will get is a hefty dose of fun and perhaps a dash of reminiscence… and, if you’re in luck, perhaps the best musical adaptations ever conceived.If you find it hard to distinguish between operas and musicals (don’t worry, many think they are one and the same!), you need our exposé on the different types of musicals…

Boxing Lessons Edinburgh

Boxing Lessons Edinburgh Learn to Box in Edinburgh ChaptersThe Edinburgh Boxing AcademyThai Boxing comes to EdinburghBoxing and More at Krav MagaBox at Leith VictoriaTrip Notes: Boxing in EdinburghIn spite of Glasgow having been nominated the friendliest city, there’s no denying that Edina is friendly as well.Just think of how open she is: welcoming international students, the International Arts Festival and the Fringe, soon to kick off...Naturally, considering the amiable nature of the average Edinburgher, one wouldn’t think that boxing would be their forte... and that would be wrong.Your Supeprof has been traipsing all over the UK to find the most rigorous workouts: boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.You will be surprised at the wealth of classes we found in the Athens of the North, starting with...Joining the ranks of professional boxers is difficult; most people box for fitness Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from PixabayTheir home page is a bit off-putting; it proclaims ‘there is no easy way ’. It makes you wonder what they mean because they certainly make it easy to work out there!Let’s start with their classes: Beginner’s Boxing, Youth Boxing, Adult Boxing and, if you are at your peak of fitness, you might enjoy what they call T.E.B.A. Ultimate Fitness.Known by its generic name, Boxercise, this exercise class incorporates the moves that boxers make to keep fit:Shadow boxing: essentially, boxing with your shadowrope skipping: an excellent cardio workout!Shuttle running: a short-distance sprint featuring quick turnaroundsbag work: punching and kicking a heavy bag and working the speed bagCallisthenics: squat-jumps and situps, press-ups and chin-ups.As you cycle through aerobic and anaerobic exercises, your body benefits from bursts of intense work separated by relatively mild reps; a manoeuvre designed to build cardiovascular endurance as well as burn fat.Sports enthusiasts and experts agree that Boxercise is one of the best fitness regimens. That is why you can f ind a T.E.B.A. class every day of the week at the Boxing Academy.What else do they have, besides a fitness studio and a weights room; locker rooms and changing facilities?They have a decidedly generous membership plan; £40 a month give you access to unlimited classes. Youths and children as young as five can enjoy membership for £5-6   a month.However, if you were hoping for personal training, that will cost you a bit more.Why not head down to 13 West Harbour Road, catch a glimpse of their full-sized boxing ring and talk with a coach?Do fitness enthusiasts in Leeds have such a fine facility to work out in?Thai Boxing comes to EdinburghThe ‘art of eight limbs’, or Muay Thai â€" literally Thai Boxing, is a combat sport that incorporates elbow and knee strikes along with clinching and striking techniques found in traditional boxing.It is referred to as ‘eight limbs’ because there are eight striking ‘points’: kicks, knees, elbows and fists. By contrast, boxing has only two : both fists, and kickboxing and savate, the French combat sport, each use 4 ‘points’: hands and feet.By the number of 'contact points', you can see how the whole body is engaged in Thai boxing.It was a bit difficult, at first, to flex traditional fighting rules to incorporate the extra strikes that Thai kickboxing permitted.An insistent demand for the sport, along with the proliferation of dojos offering training finally brought Muay Thai into mainstream arenas.Where in Cardiff can one practise Muay Thai?In Edinburgh, the go-to gym to get your Thai on is Hanuman.You might start out with a personal trainer, if only to get an assessment of your current physical condition and advice on work you might do to build up your endurance.If you are not sure you want to commit to such a rigorous regimen, you could take them up on their free trial offer; take a class to see how you hold up.What if Thai boxing is truly not for you?Would you be curious to know what gyms and dojos in Glasgow a re like?For some, extreme sports such as MMA take fighting just a bit too far Image by Mirko Zax from PixabayPerhaps K1 would suit you better. This combat sport is based in Muay but goes further to include aspects of karate, taekwondo, savate, San Shou and traditional boxing.If you are a boxing purist, you could also take traditional ‘western’ boxing lessons there.As intensive as these classes sound, you can rest assured that your coach will not permit you to work harder than you are ready for, nor will s/he put you in any kind of danger: for Hanuman, safety is paramount whether you are warming up, sparring or competing.They are located at 10 Stewartfield; maybe you could drop by and see what they’re all about...There’s a good chance you couldn’t find better boxing classes anywhere in the UK.went mainstream twenty years later.This particularly aggressive discipline ‘borrows’ from other fighting techniques, namely wrestling, boxing and bare-knuckle fighting; in its curr ent incarnation, it is mainly taught for self-defense.The best person to learn this unique fighting style is Marcus Houston, Edinburgh’s only full-time Krav Maga instructor.There’s no need to discount this training facility because you think Krav Maga is a bit too much fighting for you; there are other programmes you and your family could benefit from.If you have young children lazing around the house during their summer break from school, you could enrol them in the Little Ninja programme.The martial arts are primarily about discipline and less about fighting.As such, studying the arts as a child helps respect â€" for himself and for his environment, and inner peace.  There is a spiritual element to martial arts, even though it doesn’t seem likely that a child as young as four could understand those concepts.Nevertheless, teaching young children such a balance is an excellent means of paving the road that leads to self-confidence.Adults can benefit from studying martial arts, too. The Krav Maga centre is well aware of that; they offer MMA training classes for adults several times per week.You don’t need a membership to their club to attend these classes; you could just drop-in and participate. That's great news for  MMA fighters from Liverpool who visit Edinburgh!All they (and you) have to do is go to the Combat Ready Gym on Newhaven Road; soon, you too will be learning moves you might have never known you could make.Also, find out where fighters in Belfast go to train...Thai Boxing and mixed martial arts permit more strike points than traditional boxing Image by Mirko Zax from PixabayBox at Leith VictoriaWe could hardly write an article about boxing in Edinburgh without visiting her oldest boxing club.This year, Leith Victoria celebrates one century of training fighters for the ring and for fitness. By no means should you infer that this is an outdated facility with tired, defective equipment.The coaches and leaders of Leith have long held a stance o f continuous improvement â€" in their equipment and their training methods.As a trainee, you will start your sessions with warm-ups: stretches, isometrics and jogging in place. And then, you get to kick-start your heart by skipping rope and shuttle running.You will then take your place at the speed bag or heavy bag for a bit of hand-eye coordination practice and rhythm training. Don’t forget your hand wraps!What about circuit training, so common in Manchester boxing lessons? Yes, those also feature at Leigh Victoria.These high-intensity exercises are designed to help build and maintain your endurance all while keeping your muscles primed for action.Once you have completed your cardio burn, it is time to get in the ring for a bit of sparring. Naturally, all protective gear â€" gum shields, head guards and gloves will be worn.When all is said and done and the cool-down stretches are finished, you will be left with the glow of health and the pride of accomplishment.Whether you ever w anted to step into the ring to box competitively or use aspects of the noble art of boxing to maintain optimal fitness, you could hardly find a better place than the most venerable boxing club in Edinburgh.Could amateur boxing in Birmingham be that good?Trip Notes: Boxing in EdinburghIn the course of our investigation into Edinburgh’s boxing scene, we uncovered a few facts:1. Unlike Nottingham, called the Home of Sport by our travel council, Edinburgh does not have a strong relationship with boxing.2. Like youths in every major city in the world, Edinburgh’s young people need places to release their pent up energy in healthy, constructive ways.Bradley Welsh, a former amateur boxing champion, was painfully aware of both of these facts and the lack of facilities for young people to exercise in.Five years ago, he announced his intention to open up 10 new boxing facilities so that kids could have a safe outlet for their energy while learning good habits for a lifetime.Today, we see the fruits of his labour: more boxing clubs than we could write up in a single article, more devotion to a cause than most people expend even professionally... and more kids learning how to box.Are kids in London so lucky as to have someone like Mr Welsh looking out for them?